Category: Personal

Is It a Hell Yeah?! – How to Stop Over Committing

Last year I really became protective of my time.  I think everyone should be protective of their time – it’s the only thing in life we can’t get back!  I’m a huge podcast person, and one of my favorites is…


Exciting Announcement!

Contracts for Creatives I’m so excited to share a new venture of mine with you today!  I’ve mentioned it a few times over on Twitter and shared it with my newsletter subscribers, but now I’m putting it out there for…

Week In Review – Life Update

TGIF!  I’m not sure I’ve ever been happier to see a week come to an end.  So much has been going on this week so let’s catch up, shall we?! First, you may have noticed that last week I strayed…

What I Learned from Dry January

If you’re unfamiliar, Dry January means that I chose to give up alcohol for the entire month (with one exception).  Prior to beginning my dry month, I already had a ski trip on the books so I allowed myself an…